Birgit Rapp

Foun­ding Part­ner & Depu­ty Director

Res­pon­si­ble for Hol­land Ame­ri­ca Line, Sea­bourn


Cities of my life:
Kehl – Frei­burg – Kingston/Ontario – San Fran­cis­co – Bonn – Wies­ba­den
Born under the sign of:
Sagit­ta­ri­us with libra as ascen­dant – a com­bi­na­ti­on that stands for ener­gy, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills and crea­ti­vi­ty.
Heroes of my child­hood:
Mary Pop­pins – “In every Job that must be done the­re is an ele­ment of fun”. I am still dre­a­min of her mira­cu­lous car­pet bag that com­for­ta­ly holds just ever­y­thing.
My first vinyl record/cassette/CD:
Vinyl record: Bridge over Trou­bled Water by Simon and Gar­fun­kel.
My favou­rite pet/animal:
The emper­or pen­gu­in – their males so lovin­g­ly take care of the brood.
This would be my super power:
With a turn of my fin­ger ever­y­thing would be clea­ned up – desk, kit­chen base­ment …
I have a weak­ness for:
Ganesh sta­tu­es from India, the real mar­zi­pan from Lübeck and Rosé Cham­pa­gne.

Three things for my suit­case:
1. my the­ra band
2. my Tai Chi Gong CD
3. work­out clo­thes
Top 3 on my bucket list:
1. a trans­at­lan­tic crossing with a stop-over on Island
2. a Har­ley tour through Cali­for­nia (as co-driver)
3. Tibet

Online or print:
For me, not­hing can top the feel and touch of a new­ly prin­ted news­pa­per or maga­zi­ne.
What I real­ly like about my job:
This kind of atten­ti­ve lis­tenting when we take on new pro­jects, gras­ping the chall­enge and get­ting to the heart of the mat­ter.
Job-related magic moments:
My first trips to Myan­mar long befo­re it beca­me a new tou­ristic hot spot; long and ami­ca­ble busi­ness rela­ti­ons wth cli­ents and media; fri­end­ly and respec­tul encoun­ters with peo­p­le from dif­fe­rent cul­tures wit­hout any cul­tu­re clash.
My life mot­to
Never a fail­ure – Always a lesson.
