Cli­ent at Text&Aktion from 2018 till 2020
Scope of work: Full Ser­vice PR in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland

The Guin­ness Store­house is the home of Guin­ness loca­ted in the heart of St James’s Gate. Visi­tors expe­ri­ence a multi-sensory jour­ney through the brands heri­ta­ge, its ico­nic adver­ti­sing as well a tasting jour­ney like no other. Visi­tors dis­co­ver what goes into the making of each and every pint, and learn about the incre­di­ble brand histo­ry stret­ching over 250 years. Ireland’s num­ber one attrac­tion unfolds its tale across seven flo­ors shaped around a giant pint, which, if fil­led would con­tain 14.3 mil­li­on pints of Guin­ness.  The high­light for many visi­tors is the Gra­vi­ty Bar, sym­bo­li­cal­ly the ‘Head of the Pint”, whe­re visi­tors can enjoy unpar­al­le­led pan­o­r­amic views of Dub­lin city –with a com­pli­men­ta­ry pint in hand.
