Holland America Line

Cli­ent at Text&Aktion sin­ce 2011
Scope of work: Full Ser­vice PR in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland

Hol­land Ame­ri­ca Line’s fleet of 14 ships offers more than 500 crui­ses to more than 400 ports in 98 count­ries, ter­ri­to­ries or depen­den­ci­es around the world. From shorter geta­ways to 115-day itin­er­ari­es, the company’s crui­ses visit all seven con­ti­nents with high­lights inclu­ding Ant­ar­c­ti­ca explo­ra­ti­ons, South Ame­ri­ca cir­cum­na­vi­ga­ti­ons and exo­tic Australia/New Zea­land and Asia voy­a­ges; four annu­al Grand Voy­a­ges; and popu­lar sai­lings to the Carib­be­an, Alas­ka, Mexi­co, Canada/New Eng­land, Ber­mu­da, Euro­pe and the Pana­ma Canal. The line curr­ent­ly has a new 2,650-guest ship, ms Konings­dam, on order for deli­very in April 2016, as well as a second Pin­na­cle Class ship due for deli­very in Novem­ber 2018.

The com­pa­ny recent­ly announ­ced $300 mil­li­on in brand enhance­ments to secu­re its posi­ti­on at the lea­der in pre­mi­um crui­sing. Fleet­wi­de, the ships fea­ture inno­va­ti­ve initia­ti­ves and a diver­se ran­ge of enri­ching expe­ri­en­ces focu­sed on desti­na­ti­on immersi­on and per­so­na­li­zed tra­vel. Guests can expand their know­ledge on board at the Culina­ry Arts Cen­ter, pre­sen­ted by Food & Wine maga­zi­ne; Explo­ra­ti­ons Café, powered by The New York Times; and Digi­tal Work­shop powered by Win­dows. Out­stan­ding enter­tain­ment fills each evening at venues inclu­ding Lin­coln Cen­ter Stage, Bill­board Onboard and B.B. King’s Blues Club. The dining expe­ri­ence can be savor­ed at a varie­ty of restau­rants with menus that fea­ture sel­ec­tions from Hol­land Ame­ri­ca Line’s estee­med Culina­ry Coun­cil that com­pri­ses world-famous chefs who design dis­hes exclu­si­ve­ly for our guests.



Birgit Rapp

Foun­ding Part­ner & Depu­ty Director
