Jumeirah Group

Cli­ent at Text&Aktion from 2014 till 2019
Scope of work: Full Ser­vice PR in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland

Jumeirah Group, the glo­bal luxu­ry hotel com­pa­ny and a mem­ber of Dubai Hol­ding, ope­ra­tes a world-class port­fo­lio of hotels and resorts inclu­ding the flag­ship Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts mana­ges pro­per­ties in Dubai and Abu Dha­bi, UAE, and Kuwait in the Midd­le East; Frank­furt, Lon­don and Mal­lor­ca (Spain) in Euro­pe; the Mal­di­ves and Shang­hai in Asia. Jumeirah Group also ope­ra­tes the new upscale-casual brand, Zabeel House by Jumeirah™ and runs the luxu­ry ser­viced resi­den­ces brand Jumeirah Living™ with pro­per­ties in Lon­don and Dubai; the well­ness brand Tali­se™ Jumeirah Restau­rant Group Dubai™ Wild Wadi Water­park™ The Emi­ra­tes Aca­de­my of Hos­pi­ta­li­ty Manage­ment™ Jumeirah Siri­us™ its glo­bal loyal­ty pro­gram­me; and isme by Jumeirah™ an app based rewards pro­gram­me in the UAE. Future ope­nings include luxu­ry hotels in the UAE, Bah­rain, Indo­ne­sia, Chi­na, Oman, Jor­dan, Malay­sia and the King­dom of Sau­di Arabia.

