Cli­ent at Text&Aktion from 2018 till 2021
Scope of work: Full Ser­vice PR in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland

Vila Vita Parc is one of the most sple­ndid resorts in Por­tu­gal and a mem­ber of The Lea­ding Hotels of the World. Due to his per­so­nal love of Portugal’s south, Ger­man entre­pre­neur Rein­fried Pohl deve­lo­ped the busi­ness idea to build a beach resort in the Algar­ve – and the suc­cess sto­ry is now being con­tin­ued by a second gene­ra­ti­on. With 170 rooms, sui­tes and vil­las, 10 extra­or­di­na­ry restau­rants – inclu­ding “Oce­an” with its two Miche­lin stars – and a 22 acre park with direct access to a pic­tures­que bay, Vila Vita Parc is today the flag­ship of Vila Vita Tou­ris­tik GmbH. The group runs four more hotels in Ger­ma­ny and Aus­tria, and sin­ce 1997, it owns and ope­ra­tes the orga­nic farm and winery “Herda­de dos Grous” (man­or of the cra­nes) in the Por­tu­gue­se regi­on of Alen­te­jo. It pro­vi­des Vila Vita Parc with a ran­ge of sus­tain­ab­ly pro­du­ced food and award-winning wines, and also offers 24 guest rooms and well-equipped con­fe­rence faci­li­ties. The newest addi­ti­on to the port­fo­lio of Vila Vita Tou­ris­tik GmbH is Vila Vita Coll­ec­tion with four stun­ning design vil­las for up to 16 guests in the dre­a­my fishermen’s vil­la­ge of Sale­ma. Loca­ti­on, view and style make for unpar­al­le­led holi­day memories.
