One Aldwych

Cli­ent at Text&Aktion from 1999 till 2016
Scope of work: Full Ser­vice PR in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland

One Ald­wych is an award-winning con­tem­po­ra­ry luxu­ry hotel in the heart of Lon­don. Set in buz­zing Covent Gar­den, this exqui­si­te inde­pen­dent hotel offers casu­al com­forts with five star ser­vice. An exci­ting coll­ec­tion of more than 400 con­tem­po­ra­ry works of art is dis­play­ed in all of the 105 guest­rooms and public are­as. The hap­pe­ning Lob­by Bar and the two fabu­lous restau­rants – Axis at One Ald­wych and Indi­go – are the per­fect places to start a gre­at night out. The hotel’s pri­va­te scree­ning room offers movie magic and Moet on the Menu – and One Ald­wych pro­vi­des the popcorn.

One Ald­wych is a mem­ber of The Lea­ding Hotels of the World, Ltd. For its out­stan­ding com­mit­ment to sus­taina­bi­li­ty it was award­ed with the Luxu­ry Eco Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Stan­dard (LECS) in August 2010.
