Angelika E. Ardelt

Foun­ding Part­ner & Director

Respon­si­ble for The Islands of the Baha­mas, The Fife Arms


Cities of my life:
Fried­richs­ha­fen – Frei­burg – Lon­don – Nas­sau – Wies­ba­den
Born under the sign of:
Tau­rus, ascen­dant capri­corn – so, I am a double-antlers.
Heroes of my child­hood:
Cla­rence, the squin­ting lion. Flip­per, the cle­ver dol­phin. Las­sie, the ever so bra­ve col­lie­and of cour­se Fury, the omni­sci­ent stal­li­on.
My first vinyl record/cassette/CD:
Vinyl record: Satur­day Night Fever by the Gibbs Brot­hers and John Tra­vol­ta.
My favou­ri­te pet/animal:
My tom-cat Peter.
This would be my super power:
My desi­red super-power would be the abili­ty to tra­vel through time & space.Because it is always hel­pful to know what hap­pen­ed befo­re and what is going to hap­pen.
I have a weak­ne­ss for:
Modern archi­tec­tu­re and modern design – and of cour­se a glass of chil­led white wine, pre­fer­a­b­ly Sau­vi­gnon Blanc or Ries­ling from the area whe­re I live.

Three things for my suit­ca­se:
I never tra­vel wit­hout my glo­bu­les; never wit­hout my hot-water bot­t­les. Becau­se if any­thing fails (see abo­ve) a hot-water bot­t­le does­n’t. And of cour­se never wit­hout my favou­ri­te pyja­mas, dis­re­gar­ding whe­re I go to.
Top 3 on my bucket list:
No1 and 2 have remain­ed the same for the past few years. No. 3 varies depen­ding on the level of my phy­si­cal fit­ness.
No 1: Fly­ing into the Orbit
No 2: See the Nor­t­hern Lights
No 3: Do the Paci­fic Crest trail like Rees Withers­poon did.

Online or print:
Print for the break­fast table, the lazy Sun­day in bed or time on the bach and online for any­thing that has to do with tra­vel­ling.
What I real­ly like about my job:
Tur­ning round see­mingly hope­l­ess com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons situa­tions, deve­lo­ping stra­te­gies that fit like a glove and “same-same but dif­fe­rent”. Same job but com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent approach. That’s my bread&butter in my pro­fes­si­on. Which, by the way is the best pro­fes­si­on in the who­le world.
Job-related magic moments:
Undoub­ted­ly, the foun­ding of our won­derful small bou­tique agen­cy more than 30 years ago tog­e­ther with my soul­ma­te Bir­git whom I met during our first year at Uni­ver­si­ty. And the swim­ming pigs of the Baha­mas – the best USP we ever found and deve­lo­ped for any of our cli­ents.
My life mot­to
NIPSILD – which rough­ly trans­la­tes into: Don’t think in pro­blems, think in solutions.
