App in the Air
Your Personal Travel Assistant

Cli­ent at Text&Aktion 2019
Scope of work: Media Rela­ti­ons and Social Media Cooperation

App in the Air is desi­gned for today’s gro­wing legi­on of fre­quent tra­ve­lers and makes it easy to jugg­le mul­ti­ple itin­er­ari­es and rewards pro­grams, with built-in fea­tures and a stream­li­ned inter­face that take the hass­le out of fly­ing. The app covers the three pha­ses of post-booking tra­vel, day of tra­vel and post-trip. It keeps track of all itin­er­ari­es (past, pre­sent and future); boar­ding pas­ses; and frequent-flyer pro­grams con­nec­ted to the user’s email from across all air­lines. Users can track their boar­ding and landing times, recei­ve real-time updates for delays, wait times for check-in and secu­ri­ty, and even allow users to check if their carry-on meets air­line dimen­si­ons stan­dards. Fol­lo­wing the trip, users can sub­mit feed­back about their expe­ri­en­ces – how the air­port was, notes on the spe­ci­fic flight, etc.  App in the Air is the solu­ti­on that allows all tra­ve­lers to bet­ter bene­fit from air­line loyal­ty pro­grams and get smart tra­vel hacks from a com­mu­ni­ty of sav­vy fre­quent flyers.
