Half Moon Jamaica

Cli­ent at Text&Aktion from 2018 till 2019
Scope of work: Full Ser­vice PR in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzerland

Half Moon Jamai­ca is a real hotel icon in the Carib­be­an. In 1954 the resort was ope­ned at the cre­s­cent bay in the north of Jamai­ca and with guests like Queen Eliza­beth II or the Ken­ne­dys the suc­cess sto­ry began. Set on 1.6 squa­re kilo­me­ters of mani­cu­red grounds with three kilo­me­ters of beach­front the guests can enjoy hig­hest com­fort and the luxu­ry of tran­qui­li­ty, which includes the spa­cious and ele­gant­ly desi­gned rooms, sui­tes and vil­las with beau­tiful views into the well-known Carib­be­an blue, an 18-hole golf cour­se and the big­gest spa in the Carib­be­an, the Fern Tree Spa. At the beach Half Moon offers a very exten­si­ve water sports pro­gram: Whe­ther sai­ling, snor­ke­ling, sur­fing or para­sai­ling – every guest gets what he is loo­king for. Gour­mets are mee­ting at one of nine restau­rants, inclu­ding the award-winning fine dining restau­rant Sugar Mill, which is known for its uni­que twist on Jamai­can cui­sine. BBQ and the natio­nal dish of Jamai­ca “Jerk” are ser­ved at the food cart Moon­chies loca­ted direct­ly at the beach.

Next year Half Moon cele­bra­tes its 65th anni­ver­sa­ry. For this occa­si­on the hotel pres­ents its­elf after an exten­si­ve reno­va­ti­on and exten­si­on in a new light – now it is rea­dy for the next 65 years to come.

