The Fife Arms

Cli­ent at Text&Aktion sin­ce 2020
Scope of work: Full ser­vice PR in Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and Switzerland

Built in the 19th cen­tu­ry by the Duke of Fife, The Fife Arms Hotel is a lar­ge and high­ly distinc­ti­ve part of the street­scape in Scotland’s Brae­mar within the Cairn­gorms Natio­nal Park. In 2018 this Vic­to­ri­an coa­ching inn has been rede­si­gned and rewo­ven for the 21st century.

The trans­for­ma­ti­on of The Fife Arms was inspi­red by the land­scape and rich cul­tu­ral con­nec­tions of Brae­mar, resul­ting in a hotel with 46 bed­rooms and sui­tes, a restau­rant over­loo­king the River Clunie, a libra­ry, gar­den and a much-loved vil­la­ge bar. Histo­ry, art and com­mu­ni­ty lie at the heart of the Fife Arms. Through the power of art, it con­nects Scotland’s past with its pre­sent. Every bed­room and suite at The Fife Arms offers its own one-of-a-kind fur­nis­hings and décor, each one a homage to a place, per­son, event or acti­vi­ty inte­gral to the life and lega­cy of Brae­mar. Fur­ther­mo­re more than 14,000 antique and con­tem­po­ra­ry works of art and objects are inte­gra­ted – inclu­ding a self-portrait by Picas­so and a dra­wing crea­ted by Queen Vic­to­ria. The com­mu­ni­ty of Brae­mer is sup­port­ed by acti­vi­ties like fishing and fora­ging which are offe­red in the impres­si­ve natu­re sur­roun­ding the hotel. An annu­al high­light are the Brae­mer Gathe­rings, the part of the High­land Games, which is atten­ded by the Bri­tish Roy­al Family.

The hotel belongs to the hos­pi­ta­li­ty pro­ject art­farm of gal­lery owners Iwan and Manue­la Wirth that com­bi­nes love for art, cul­tu­re, and food with a dedi­ca­ti­on to buil­ding com­mu­ni­ty and fos­te­ring envi­ron­men­tal sustainability.

